Friday, May 31, 2013

CA Lawmakers don't want to hear it.

Look how CA Legislators treat a man -whose son was killed by an unlicensed illegal alien driver- when he testifies about the dangers of their plan to allow illegals to get driver's licenses.

Convoluted Marathon Bomber Story takes another wild turn

FBI Gunning Down an unarmed friend of the Marathon Bombers has supercharged all the crazy conspiracy theories. Good job, guys.,0,2275818.story

Facebook vows to Crack Down on "Hate Speech".

Fingers Crossed!

I'm still hoping the suspect in the latest round of Ricin Letters is a Liza Minnelli impersonator or something.


Mom released from Mexican Prison after they look at security footage of her boarding a bus WITHOUT a Pack Mule Loaded with Drugs. She says she still loves Mexico.