Friday, May 3, 2013


Oregon School Scares the Crap out of its teachers when, unannounced, masked men burst into a room firing blanks in a "mass shooting drill."

Marathon Bombing was NOT the original plan

Boston Bombers Planned a 4th of July Suicide Attack, but it didn't take as long to make the Bombs as they thought, so they blew up the Marathon instead.

DOW Crests 15,000

Dow crests 15,000 for the First Time Ever. Wall Street is doing just fine. Are you?

Hallucinating Hikers

OC May Bill Hallucinating Hikers for their Rescue now that one of them is charged with Meth Possession. PLEASE DO! 

DWP Hiding the $$$

DWP Union SUING to prevent you from knowing how much you pay them.

We DO know that in 2011, the last year we have data for, DWP Employees made an AVERAGE of $100K Per Year. & General Manager Ron Nichols made $347K and his FIVE Executive Assistants made an average of $198K per year.

Oh, and they are the single largest source of cash in the Mayor's Race. 

Lindsay on the Lam!

Lindsay Lohan didn't check in to Rehab as ordered, but that's OK because the place she didn't check into doesn't have a license anyway.


29% of Americans Think We'll Need an ARMED REVOLUTION Against the Government in the next few years. I'm honestly surprised it isn't higher.