SMC Shooter kicked out of Public School for being a Threat. So we can know you're crazy & dangerous, but if you're not in class? No Worries!
ACLU Sues Obama Over NSA Surveillance!,0,4567996.story
CA Official earned $333K last year, didn't work a day. AND got an $920K payout to leave. AND gets a $181K Pension.
There's "No Good Reason" to oppose the Immigration Reform Bill, says Obama, but I can think of 11 or 20 Million.
Final Voter Turnout Count shows the Mayor of LA was elected with as many votes as a small-town Homecoming Queen.,0,1534862.story
NSA Leaker resurfaces with interview in S China Morning Post, says he's not in Hong Kong to hide from Justice, but to "reveal criminality".
Granny Get Your Gun! Burglar (on parole) Flees as Granny Blasts Away at him with a .357 Magnum.
Now even sport-for-sissies Soccer is too dangerous for Kids. We're done. Everyone play with Soft Toys until some Terrorist comes and shoots you in the face.
Hey Jerk! Bring Back the Giant Pink Sneaker-Wearing Bulldog You Stole.