Tuesday, May 21, 2013

First Actually Useful Application of Social Media?

Facebook Group Formed to Help Oklahomans find Photos & Important Documents Blown Away by the Tornado.


Big Brother

So if the Gov't wants to read your private email, all they have to do is gin up some imagined crime and get them from Google, without even telling you.



Finally a smidgen of Good News from Oklahoma City

OKC Death toll Revised DOWN... now only 24 confirmed fatalities, including 7 children, but expect that number to change again as rescuers dig through the rubble.




Elderly Tornado Survivor finds her little dog alive in the Rubble of her Home during Live News Interview.


Monkey Mummy and Elephant Meat seized at LAX.

We don't talk much...

TOP White House People, including the Chief of Staff, knew about IRS Targeting but Nah, they didn't mention it to the President.



KSN Newsroom Evacuates as Tornado Hits During Live Broadcast


Monster in OKC

"Monster" Tornado takes as many as 91 Lives, at least 20 of them Children, in Oklahoma City.
