Thursday, May 23, 2013

Horror in London

Muslim Radicals Butcher a Soldier in the Street, and make sure to tell us why. On Video.

Nobody Votes in LA

Jimmy Kimmel Segment Proves the Average Angeleno has No Clue who just got elected Mayor.

OC Hiker Update!

Should the Rescued (and allegedly Meth-Addled) OC Hiker pay the hospital bill of a Volunteer Rescuer who broke his back trying to save him?


Want to see the President's Prom Picture?

LA Voter Turnout was Bad. But not TERRIBLE.

You may see it reported that only 19% of Angelenos Voted yesterday, but that's Wrong. If you include Ballots cast before Tuesday, it was almost 25%. So we're awful, but not as awful as we could be.

We have ways of making you talk!

Did Lois Lerner Screw Up Pleading the 5th by Giving a Speech First?