Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Weird Story Gets Weirder!

Chechen shot by FBI Agent Involved in the Boston Triple Murder, was about to sign a Confession, but Attacked Agent with a Knife

Election Returns!

Full Results of the LA Election: Garcetti, Feuer, Galperin are your new City-Wide Elected Officials, Prop D Limiting Pot Shops wins.


 Election? What election? There's a Bear to Cover! Mobilize the Reporters!

FBI Agent Shoots Friend of Marathon Bombers

Chechen MMA Fighter & Friend of Marathon Bombers shot and killed in Confrontation with FBI. Weird story, certain to fuel Conspiracy nuts.


Man sets up camera to catch Ghost… but catches his live-in girlfriend having sex with his 16 y/o son, instead.

Wiener's Premature Leakage

Outrage of the Day! And we have a TON to pick from....

We're still paying Terrorist Murderer Nidal Hasan. Almost $300K since he shot 45 People at Ft. Hood.

The Administration KNOWS

Biggest Upset in Yesterdays Election

The Biggest Surprise of the Election is that Ron Galperin is our new City Controller, defeating Longtime Omnipresent LA Politico Dennis Zine. Give 'Em Hell Ron!

Who Wants Killer Hair, Anyway?

Jodi Arias doesn't want to be Put To Death so she can start Recycling in Prison! And donate her hair to bald cancer kids.

Not Talking.

Top IRS Official to Plead the 5th instead of testifying today. But hey, they didn't do anything illegal! Noooope.

Congrats to Eric Garcetti!