Thursday, May 30, 2013

Diet Soda is as bad for your teeth as Meth or Crack?

First Porn App for Google Glasses!

Adam Levine claims he doesn’t actually “Hate this Country”.

CA Senate set to Punish the Boy Scouts with Taxes,

The American Dream

Tsarnaev Sister pleads not guilty to being a pot dealer. This family was really living the American dream, weren't they?

Hey Kooks!

Whatever your political views, mailing politicians Ricin doesn't help. Get it through your pin-heads that these people don't open their own mail.

Cash Cow!

Amazing Story about 3 Miles of Road that Generates more than $30,000 in Automatic Camera Tickets EVERY DAY.

AZ Mom Framed in Mexico?

AZ Mom speaks from Mexican Jail about the Nightmare of being falsely charged with Drug Smuggling.

Wow there are some bad decisions in this story.

Drunk Driver, having sex with a woman in his lap while driving, crashes. Hides from Police in a Cactus.

Recipe for Disaster

Teen who killed himself & his friends in Newport Beach crash had an illegally souped-up car, but no License. That's a recipe for disaster.,0,7257282.story

Holder wants to have a super-secret off-the-record just-between-you-&-me meeting with Press Bigwigs.

Go Directly to Jail. Do Not Pass Go. DO Collect Millions in Welfare Dollars!

New Jersey Inmates on the Dole. But this couldn't possibly be happening in CA, right?