Wednesday, June 19, 2013

LA Bans Plastic Bags!

Because why bother with Roads & Sidewalks when they can make your life more of a pain in the ass?,0,6576624.story

NSA Claims Programs disrupted 50 Plots!

...But only 10 "had the potential to involve" domestic surveillance. So they NEED to keep listening to your Grandma talking to her Gynecologist. Convinced yet?,0,4220555.story

The Congressional Budget Office says the Senate Immigration Bill would only cut illegal immigration by 25%.

...So everybody get ready for the NEXT Amnesty after this one!


Mayor V “fully expects” to Run for Governor.

The LAUSD is buying Students iPads!?

At $678 EACH. Which kids get to take home with them, and Oh Look! They are using Bond Money you voted them to Build and Maintain Schools to Pay the Bill.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

8 Month Erection causes man to "withdraw from life".

Write your own jokes folks, I'm not getting fired over this one!

Groundbreaking New Study Says People who use Facebook & Twitter are Self-Obsessed Narcissists.

Were the Santa Monica College murders committed with a Homemade Gun?

Raises All Around! On You.

You'll be glad to know Jerry Brown is giving CA's State Workers a Raise! With more to come.

Lego Faces are Getting Angrier!

NSA Leaker claims the US is Hacking the Heck Out of China.

Hands-Free technology MORE dangerous than just talking on your cell phone while driving?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Ton of Crazy Stories in the News Today... here's just some of what we are covering!

SMC Shooter kicked out of Public School for being a Threat. So we can know you're crazy & dangerous, but if you're not in class? No Worries!,0,7906795.story


ACLU Sues Obama Over NSA Surveillance!,0,4567996.story


CA Official earned $333K last year, didn't work a day. AND got an $920K payout to leave. AND gets a $181K Pension.


There's "No Good Reason" to oppose the Immigration Reform Bill, says Obama, but I can think of 11 or 20 Million.,0,3016903.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+latimes%2Fmostviewed+%28L.A.+Times+-+Most+Viewed+Stories%29


Final Voter Turnout Count shows the Mayor of LA was elected with as many votes as a small-town Homecoming Queen.,0,1534862.story


NSA Leaker resurfaces with interview in S China Morning Post, says he's not in Hong Kong to hide from Justice, but to "reveal criminality".


Granny Get Your Gun! Burglar (on parole) Flees as Granny Blasts Away at him with a .357 Magnum.,0,5261091.story


Now even sport-for-sissies Soccer is too dangerous for Kids. We're done. Everyone play with Soft Toys until some Terrorist comes and shoots you in the face.


Hey Jerk! Bring Back the Giant Pink Sneaker-Wearing Bulldog You Stole.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Wanna see Videos of the NSA Leaker's Girlfriend Pole Dancing?

Is NSA Leaker Edward Snowden an American Hero? Or a Traitor who should be executed?

Huge Dem Donor & Ambassador to Belgium allegedly caught soliciting underage hookers...

...but the State Dept. hushed it up! Everyone Scandal-Dance! 

Edward Snowden's Employer says a) he didn't make $200,000 per year, and b) he's fired.

Read the Statement from Booz Allen Hamilton Here: 

Is this Edward Snowden’s Girlfriend?

Legalization FIRST, then Border Security AFTER.


...Says Marco Rubio in Spanish. 

Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman Trial kicks off

TOY Gun Buyback! CA Elementary School! Swap your pop-gun for a book, you violent little monsters. 

Dark History of Family Violence in the Santa Monica College Shooter’s Home

Friday, June 7, 2013

NY Times Softened the Editorial Condemning Obama

... but it's still a hell of punch coming from the Gray Lady. 

Vladimir Putin is single.

Is Eric Holder hinting that he will step down?

The Director of National Intelligence directly told Congress they DO NOT collect data on Americans.

It's a Triple President Traffic Whammy!

Eric Holder Refuses to Answer when Asked if the DOJ is Spying on Congress!

...Which pretty much answers the question. 

Geraldo announces he will NOT run for Senate in NJ.


 ...Says Bob Beckel. 

“The Administration Has Lost All Credibility”

What the Heck is PRISM???

The Secret Government Program to pull "audio, video, photographs, e-mails, documents and connection logs" FROM YOU. But only if you use "Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube or Apple".

Washington Post

Documents: U.S. intelligence mining data from nine U.S. Internet...

U.S. intelligence has access to the servers of nine Internet companies as part of top-secret effort.

View on web

Friday, May 31, 2013

CA Lawmakers don't want to hear it.

Look how CA Legislators treat a man -whose son was killed by an unlicensed illegal alien driver- when he testifies about the dangers of their plan to allow illegals to get driver's licenses.

Convoluted Marathon Bomber Story takes another wild turn

FBI Gunning Down an unarmed friend of the Marathon Bombers has supercharged all the crazy conspiracy theories. Good job, guys.,0,2275818.story

Facebook vows to Crack Down on "Hate Speech".

Fingers Crossed!

I'm still hoping the suspect in the latest round of Ricin Letters is a Liza Minnelli impersonator or something.


Mom released from Mexican Prison after they look at security footage of her boarding a bus WITHOUT a Pack Mule Loaded with Drugs. She says she still loves Mexico.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Diet Soda is as bad for your teeth as Meth or Crack?

First Porn App for Google Glasses!

Adam Levine claims he doesn’t actually “Hate this Country”.

CA Senate set to Punish the Boy Scouts with Taxes,

The American Dream

Tsarnaev Sister pleads not guilty to being a pot dealer. This family was really living the American dream, weren't they?

Hey Kooks!

Whatever your political views, mailing politicians Ricin doesn't help. Get it through your pin-heads that these people don't open their own mail.

Cash Cow!

Amazing Story about 3 Miles of Road that Generates more than $30,000 in Automatic Camera Tickets EVERY DAY.

AZ Mom Framed in Mexico?

AZ Mom speaks from Mexican Jail about the Nightmare of being falsely charged with Drug Smuggling.

Wow there are some bad decisions in this story.

Drunk Driver, having sex with a woman in his lap while driving, crashes. Hides from Police in a Cactus.

Recipe for Disaster

Teen who killed himself & his friends in Newport Beach crash had an illegally souped-up car, but no License. That's a recipe for disaster.,0,7257282.story

Holder wants to have a super-secret off-the-record just-between-you-&-me meeting with Press Bigwigs.

Go Directly to Jail. Do Not Pass Go. DO Collect Millions in Welfare Dollars!

New Jersey Inmates on the Dole. But this couldn't possibly be happening in CA, right?

Friday, May 24, 2013

Oh look, LA City Workers are getting another Raise.


Anthony Weiner's Campaign Website has his logo superimposed on a picture of Pittsburgh. Not NYC. Hedging his bets?

Go Probe Yourself!

Boy Scouts New Policy: Little Gay? A-Okay! Big Gay? Stay Away!

New Species!

Arrested for Tweets


Droning about Drones

The President Droning about Drones is briefly interesting when he gets Heckled by the founder of Code Pink until she gets dragged out.


Ex-Mayor Seeks Job

Does anyone have a gig for our flat broke soon-to-be Ex-Mayor? Preferably something near News Tomatoes.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Horror in London

Muslim Radicals Butcher a Soldier in the Street, and make sure to tell us why. On Video.

Nobody Votes in LA

Jimmy Kimmel Segment Proves the Average Angeleno has No Clue who just got elected Mayor.

OC Hiker Update!

Should the Rescued (and allegedly Meth-Addled) OC Hiker pay the hospital bill of a Volunteer Rescuer who broke his back trying to save him?


Want to see the President's Prom Picture?

LA Voter Turnout was Bad. But not TERRIBLE.

You may see it reported that only 19% of Angelenos Voted yesterday, but that's Wrong. If you include Ballots cast before Tuesday, it was almost 25%. So we're awful, but not as awful as we could be.

We have ways of making you talk!

Did Lois Lerner Screw Up Pleading the 5th by Giving a Speech First?


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Weird Story Gets Weirder!

Chechen shot by FBI Agent Involved in the Boston Triple Murder, was about to sign a Confession, but Attacked Agent with a Knife

Election Returns!

Full Results of the LA Election: Garcetti, Feuer, Galperin are your new City-Wide Elected Officials, Prop D Limiting Pot Shops wins.


 Election? What election? There's a Bear to Cover! Mobilize the Reporters!

FBI Agent Shoots Friend of Marathon Bombers

Chechen MMA Fighter & Friend of Marathon Bombers shot and killed in Confrontation with FBI. Weird story, certain to fuel Conspiracy nuts.


Man sets up camera to catch Ghost… but catches his live-in girlfriend having sex with his 16 y/o son, instead.

Wiener's Premature Leakage

Outrage of the Day! And we have a TON to pick from....

We're still paying Terrorist Murderer Nidal Hasan. Almost $300K since he shot 45 People at Ft. Hood.

The Administration KNOWS

Biggest Upset in Yesterdays Election

The Biggest Surprise of the Election is that Ron Galperin is our new City Controller, defeating Longtime Omnipresent LA Politico Dennis Zine. Give 'Em Hell Ron!

Who Wants Killer Hair, Anyway?

Jodi Arias doesn't want to be Put To Death so she can start Recycling in Prison! And donate her hair to bald cancer kids.

Not Talking.

Top IRS Official to Plead the 5th instead of testifying today. But hey, they didn't do anything illegal! Noooope.

Congrats to Eric Garcetti!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

First Actually Useful Application of Social Media?

Facebook Group Formed to Help Oklahomans find Photos & Important Documents Blown Away by the Tornado.

Big Brother

So if the Gov't wants to read your private email, all they have to do is gin up some imagined crime and get them from Google, without even telling you.


Finally a smidgen of Good News from Oklahoma City

OKC Death toll Revised DOWN... now only 24 confirmed fatalities, including 7 children, but expect that number to change again as rescuers dig through the rubble.



Elderly Tornado Survivor finds her little dog alive in the Rubble of her Home during Live News Interview.

Monkey Mummy and Elephant Meat seized at LAX.

We don't talk much...

TOP White House People, including the Chief of Staff, knew about IRS Targeting but Nah, they didn't mention it to the President.


KSN Newsroom Evacuates as Tornado Hits During Live Broadcast

Monster in OKC

"Monster" Tornado takes as many as 91 Lives, at least 20 of them Children, in Oklahoma City.

Monday, May 20, 2013

How Appropriate... Enormous, Expensive, Empty Space is being named after Mayor V at LAX.

Listen up, Stupids.

Mayor Bloomberg says if you're Dumb, don't go to College. Be a Plumber.

Monkey Updates!

Justin Bieber's Monkey has been Claimed by the Reich!

In other Monkey News, the guy who broke into a zoo and beat a monkey to death while trying to steal it gets 7 years.


When anyone points out the Union ads saying Greuel "will raise the min. wage to $15" is only true for a few hotel workers, they say that's "Nitpicking".,0,3139917.story

Oh Say Can You Remember The Words?

The Common Thread?

AP Scandal, like Benghazi, seems to stem from attempt to spike any story that contradict the "victory" against Al Qaeda.

Love This!!!!

Bob Schieffer on Face The Nation asks White House "Senior Advisor" Dan Pfeiffer why the Administration is constantly trotting out people like him who know NOTHING!

LA ELECTION! Only one day to go!

Garcetti Leads Greuel by 7% in the Latest Poll, Feuer leads Trutanich by Miles, and Zine is slightly ahead of Galperin

Lady-less in LA?

Our own John Phillips' First Daily Beast column on the Sausage-fest at City Hall:

Friday, May 17, 2013

Strong Men are Conservatives. Weak P*****s prefer Welfare States.

Ready for Summer? The CDC says you’ll be swimming in poop.

Marathon Bomber’s Note-in-a-Boat says “F### America”, praises Allah.

ICE’s Sequester Release of Illegals included more than SIX HUNDRED with Criminal Records

Of COURSE the IRS Official in Charge during the Tea Party Crackdown is now Running the Obamacare Enforcement Unit.


Here, you be in Charge.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Never Fear!

Eric Holder will Subpoena Reporters Until He Gets to the Bottom Of This Whole IRS Thing.

You just can't make this stuff up....

The Press has been Instructed Not to Talk to the Press about the AP Scandal.

Double Standard?

The IRS stonewalled Conservatives for 13 Months or more, but the President's Brother's Shady "Charity" got approval in less than ONE.

Defiance! And Waffles!

LAUSD Breakfast/Defiance votes prove it wants students to be just as Fat & Sassy as the SEIU Protesters outside the meeting.,0,5932689.story

NOBODY is Defending the IRS Harassment of Conservatives...

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Is the FBI is reading your Email?

The ACLU says the FBI thinks it can read your private email or online posts if it wants to, without a warrant, as long as it is at least 6 months old.

LA Times claims Nobody Cares about Benghazi.

Full Lyrics to the Mariachi Song about Wendy Greuel!

"If for la Wendy you want to vote

Get in the car and let's have fun.

And for la Wendy to win

All Latinos got to have her back.

If you want to earn $15 an hour

You have to march for la Wendy.

If the blond comes to your door

Open the door and let her in.

Wendy, la Wendy we're gonna vote.

$15 an hour we'll make.

Wendy, la Wendy we're gonna dance.

Eric Garcetti start crying.

From Montecito to Huntington Park

Passing El Sereno, eating tamales

And the voters for you will fight.

We'll have extra money to spend.

The people will support you.

That's why the blond will triumph.

In the truck we'll celebrate

With the mariachis we'll sing

Her last name is difficult to sing

That's why we're writing this rhyme.

La Wendy, Los Angeles you will change

And the Latino vote will crown you."

Hotel workers sing of la Wendy (Greuel) and $15 an hour wages

The union representing hotel workers in Los Angeles has been out in force campaigning for Wendy Greuel for mayor. In large part that's because union leaders said Greuel told them she supports their...


Evil Rich People are Renting the Handicapped to Cut the Line at Disney Theme Parks! 

IRS Scandal Gets Juicier! Did officials leak confidential donor info to Democrats during the Presidential Campaign?

As if we didn't have enough abuse-of-power scandals to follow, Eric Holder secretly seized phone records of reporters

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

All the Rescued Women are staying with Relatives

.... within TWO MILES of the house where they were imprisoned for...

Woman celebrating getting her License back after a previous DUI

…. Is arrested for DUI.

Food Stamps…

Guess what this Air Force Officer whose job it is to Prevent Sexual Assault is charged with.

Chris Christie gets Secret Weight-Loss Surgery under a fake name.

Loses 40lbs. Only 1400 to go!

Kidnapper was a SCHOOL BUS DRIVER???

Did he use his job in the school to pick his victims?

Cleveland Kidnapping

How could 3 girls be kept in bondage for more than a decade, as a whole city searched for them?

Video Clip of the Week!

Do yourself a favor and watch Charles Ramsey, the WILDLY entertaining neighbor who helped rescue the kidnap victims in Cleveland.

Monday, May 6, 2013


...By calling Justin Beiber Gay. Millions of Enraged Beliebers are on Strapping Dynamite Vests and preparing to Invade as we speak.

Speaking of which....

Michigan woman used Facebook to Harass herself.

Do You Have Facebook Psychosis?

I know I do!

Hey, Anybody Want a Dead Terrorist?

Low Mileage. Some damage.

Why the Dramatic Spike in Middle-Aged People Offing Themselves?

Everyone obsesses about teenage suicide, but if some 53 year old Sad Sack shoots himself in the Medulla Oblongata, does anybody care?

Rolling Stones play to packed LA venue

…after cutting prices down to what your average pensioner can afford.

Horrific Limo Fire Kills Bride and 4 Others

Investigators Stumped as to what sparked it.

Immigration Reform Bill will cost us TRILLIONS

According to new analysis of costs from The Heritage Foundation

Abandon All Hope for LA Street Repairs

LA Times on our Crappy Streets: "Abandon All Hope... Residents might not see them fixed in their lifetimes".

France in an Uproar after Vultures Eat a Tourist.

She was already dead, but still...

On the Loose

Murder Suspect Mistakenly Released from Jail, Sheriff waits a MONTH, then decides to mention it to the public.

Friday, May 3, 2013


Oregon School Scares the Crap out of its teachers when, unannounced, masked men burst into a room firing blanks in a "mass shooting drill."

Marathon Bombing was NOT the original plan

Boston Bombers Planned a 4th of July Suicide Attack, but it didn't take as long to make the Bombs as they thought, so they blew up the Marathon instead.

DOW Crests 15,000

Dow crests 15,000 for the First Time Ever. Wall Street is doing just fine. Are you?

Hallucinating Hikers

OC May Bill Hallucinating Hikers for their Rescue now that one of them is charged with Meth Possession. PLEASE DO! 

DWP Hiding the $$$

DWP Union SUING to prevent you from knowing how much you pay them.

We DO know that in 2011, the last year we have data for, DWP Employees made an AVERAGE of $100K Per Year. & General Manager Ron Nichols made $347K and his FIVE Executive Assistants made an average of $198K per year.

Oh, and they are the single largest source of cash in the Mayor's Race. 

Lindsay on the Lam!

Lindsay Lohan didn't check in to Rehab as ordered, but that's OK because the place she didn't check into doesn't have a license anyway.


29% of Americans Think We'll Need an ARMED REVOLUTION Against the Government in the next few years. I'm honestly surprised it isn't higher. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Tsarnaev Family on Welfare

We not only welcome people who hate us with open arms, we PAY them to plot against us.

One hacked Tweet from the AP erased $200 Billion in an instant.

Fake Report of Explosions at the White House and injury to President Obama, which was only up for minutes, rock the Markets. Mmmmmaybe we need to re-think instant news?


Charges DROPPED against Ricin Elvis!

Is the culprit this failed politician/martial artist/musician/accused child molester instead?

The Perils of Waking Up after a One Night Stand... to a City on Lockdown.

Justin Bieber's Monkey

The saga of Justin Bieber's Monkey continues, she may become property of the German Reich! I mean state.

Diaperless Babies?

Hey parents! Do you love the earth enough to go diaperless? Yea, me neither.

Greuel goes after Garcetti for taking a contribution from a Convicted Felon.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

If you only read one news story today, read this one.

Man goes to police station to report his stolen iPhone. Calls it, hears it ringing. From a holding cell. In an arrestee's butt.


Marathon Bombings were a Hate Crime

Marathon Bombers only spared Carjacked Motorist's Life "because he wasn't an American". Proving they were motivated by rage against the country that took them in and gave them a home.

I'll Save You Nell!

Mounties foil al-Qaeda backed Islamic Radicals plotting US-bound Passenger Train Bombing!

Solving another problem nobody has!

CA wants to regulate the heck out of places you park your kid while you do stuff. Which means they will probably just close.

Mayor V's Budget

 Gee! I probably shouldn't have given City Workers those FIVE RAISES over 2 Years.,0,4416165.story

If you hear a song you like on McIntyre in the Morning...

... it's probably because whoever sang it just dropped dead.

Sequester Flight Delay Circus

Please join the airlines and take a stand against the FAA's Budget Cut temper-tantrum.

C-Span briefly interesting Senators Get Into It over whether the Marathon Bombing should influence the Immigration Debate.

Who benefits from the Immigration Bill?

Look out, Ladies!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Eric Holder will Decide if the Marathon Bomber faces the Death Penalty.

Thank goodness he has such a great track record on Terror. Right?

Bomber brothers were 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists?

This kind of Conspiracy Crap can be DANGEROUS. Especially when lunatics buy in.

Dead Marathon Bomber was being supported by his WIFE, who worked 70 to 80 hours per week.

Hardly a traditional Muslim household.


So who are the Mysterious "Mentors" who Radicalized the Marathon Bombers?

Good Job, Mayor V.

Seriously??? A Healthy Majority Give Mayor V "Good Marks".

Garcetti ahead of Greuel

By 10 points in the latest poll... even beating her among women!

Feds Sued by Airlines over Furloughs

When you get delayed for hours, you'll be happy to know that furloughs of Controllers are "irresponsible and unnecessary"

Airport Chaos

Congrats to the Feds who have FINALLY found something they can cut that you actually care about. Air Traffic Controllers!

Should Terrorists have a Right to Remain Silent?

Decision not to Mirandize suspect causing controversy.


If there's a manhunt on and I see a trail of blood going under the tarp of my boat, I might not stick my head in.


Senators say Boston Mayhem PROVES the need for their Immigration Bill. So we can let in more people who hate America?

Chicago Woman Arrested 396 Times.

Give her a medal! Preferably a 300 lb Medal attached to her ankle by a chain. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Battle in Boston!

Chechen President blames us: "Seek the Roots of Evil in America." 

Let's all watch the media shift from "it's probably the tea party" to "don't try to politicize a tragedy" because... 

...and Mom is apparently a sticky-fingered thief. 

Dad says "All Hell Will Break Loose" if his second son is killed by Police. 

Congrats to the Terrorists who have succeeded in completely shutting down a Major American City. Let's give them... 

"I'm very religious". 

Is the policy of allowing refugees from war-torn hellholes to settle in the US just importing Trouble? 

Now that we know the Marathon bombers were likely Islamic Extremists, is David Sirota happy or sad? 

What does the internet tell us about the Marathon Bombers? A LOT! 

Bombing Victim in this photo -who lost both his legs- helped identify the terrorists. 

Amazing interview with the Uncle of the two Suspects, who says they "do not deserve to live on this earth." 

Could the Boston Bombings derail the Immigration Overhaul? These young men clearly didn't come here to pursue the... 

Muslim Chechen terrorists have perpetrated some of the WORST terror attacks in history, including the horrific... 

Battle in Boston! Residents told to "shelter in place" as search for the second of 2 possibly Chechen men who...

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Elvis' Poison Pen!

OF COURSE the Ricin Letter Suspect is an Mississippi Elvis Impersonator trying to shed light on a "body parts smuggling ring". It ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!

Yesterday we were embarrassed to be part of the Media

RAMPANT Cable News Stupidity Yesterday. They have a suspect, they don't have a suspect, he's "dark skinned", he's white, he's arrested, no he's not, he'll be arraigned at the courthouse at 2pm, woops no we made that up.


Costa Concordia: The Musical!

Hey Fatty!

If you need a fork that vibrates when you eat too quickly, you're probably beyond hope.

Gun Control DOA

Pres. Obama lashes out over collapse of Senate Gun Control Bill. He says it's a "Shameful Day for Washington."

Hosed by the DWP

How much is Mayor V's push to burnish his Green credentials and divest the DWP of coal-fueled energy going to cost us? $600 Million Dollars.

Big Story?

I DARE you to pick which is the Big Story today. Texas Blows Up? Elvis Mails Ricin? Gun Control DOA? Immigration? Boston Bomber Manhunt? It's a completely insane day.

Immigration Bait and Switch?

Does the Immigration Bill REALLY put Border Enforcement first? Nope. It's yet another lie to just push through Amnesty.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Friday, April 12, 2013

Not Okay.

USC Poli Sci Prof explains to his class that Republicans are stupid, racist, old white men, and advocates sabotaging their election mailers. Sorry, NO. You can't preach vote suppression in a University Classroom.

No Confidence!

The LA Teacher's Union votes No Confidence in Supt. Deasy. Why? because he supports firing Molesters?