Wednesday, June 19, 2013

LA Bans Plastic Bags!

Because why bother with Roads & Sidewalks when they can make your life more of a pain in the ass?,0,6576624.story

NSA Claims Programs disrupted 50 Plots!

...But only 10 "had the potential to involve" domestic surveillance. So they NEED to keep listening to your Grandma talking to her Gynecologist. Convinced yet?,0,4220555.story

The Congressional Budget Office says the Senate Immigration Bill would only cut illegal immigration by 25%.

...So everybody get ready for the NEXT Amnesty after this one!


Mayor V “fully expects” to Run for Governor.

The LAUSD is buying Students iPads!?

At $678 EACH. Which kids get to take home with them, and Oh Look! They are using Bond Money you voted them to Build and Maintain Schools to Pay the Bill.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

8 Month Erection causes man to "withdraw from life".

Write your own jokes folks, I'm not getting fired over this one!

Groundbreaking New Study Says People who use Facebook & Twitter are Self-Obsessed Narcissists.

Were the Santa Monica College murders committed with a Homemade Gun?

Raises All Around! On You.

You'll be glad to know Jerry Brown is giving CA's State Workers a Raise! With more to come.

Lego Faces are Getting Angrier!

NSA Leaker claims the US is Hacking the Heck Out of China.

Hands-Free technology MORE dangerous than just talking on your cell phone while driving?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Ton of Crazy Stories in the News Today... here's just some of what we are covering!

SMC Shooter kicked out of Public School for being a Threat. So we can know you're crazy & dangerous, but if you're not in class? No Worries!,0,7906795.story


ACLU Sues Obama Over NSA Surveillance!,0,4567996.story


CA Official earned $333K last year, didn't work a day. AND got an $920K payout to leave. AND gets a $181K Pension.


There's "No Good Reason" to oppose the Immigration Reform Bill, says Obama, but I can think of 11 or 20 Million.,0,3016903.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+latimes%2Fmostviewed+%28L.A.+Times+-+Most+Viewed+Stories%29


Final Voter Turnout Count shows the Mayor of LA was elected with as many votes as a small-town Homecoming Queen.,0,1534862.story


NSA Leaker resurfaces with interview in S China Morning Post, says he's not in Hong Kong to hide from Justice, but to "reveal criminality".


Granny Get Your Gun! Burglar (on parole) Flees as Granny Blasts Away at him with a .357 Magnum.,0,5261091.story


Now even sport-for-sissies Soccer is too dangerous for Kids. We're done. Everyone play with Soft Toys until some Terrorist comes and shoots you in the face.


Hey Jerk! Bring Back the Giant Pink Sneaker-Wearing Bulldog You Stole.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Wanna see Videos of the NSA Leaker's Girlfriend Pole Dancing?

Is NSA Leaker Edward Snowden an American Hero? Or a Traitor who should be executed?

Huge Dem Donor & Ambassador to Belgium allegedly caught soliciting underage hookers...

...but the State Dept. hushed it up! Everyone Scandal-Dance! 

Edward Snowden's Employer says a) he didn't make $200,000 per year, and b) he's fired.

Read the Statement from Booz Allen Hamilton Here: 

Is this Edward Snowden’s Girlfriend?

Legalization FIRST, then Border Security AFTER.


...Says Marco Rubio in Spanish. 

Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman Trial kicks off

TOY Gun Buyback! CA Elementary School! Swap your pop-gun for a book, you violent little monsters. 

Dark History of Family Violence in the Santa Monica College Shooter’s Home

Friday, June 7, 2013

NY Times Softened the Editorial Condemning Obama

... but it's still a hell of punch coming from the Gray Lady. 

Vladimir Putin is single.

Is Eric Holder hinting that he will step down?

The Director of National Intelligence directly told Congress they DO NOT collect data on Americans.

It's a Triple President Traffic Whammy!

Eric Holder Refuses to Answer when Asked if the DOJ is Spying on Congress!

...Which pretty much answers the question. 

Geraldo announces he will NOT run for Senate in NJ.


 ...Says Bob Beckel. 

“The Administration Has Lost All Credibility”

What the Heck is PRISM???

The Secret Government Program to pull "audio, video, photographs, e-mails, documents and connection logs" FROM YOU. But only if you use "Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube or Apple".

Washington Post

Documents: U.S. intelligence mining data from nine U.S. Internet...

U.S. intelligence has access to the servers of nine Internet companies as part of top-secret effort.

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